We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods, and we are willing to establish business relationship with you. 得知贵公司专门经营轻工业品,我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。
The rich nations want the developing countries to cut tariffs on industrial goods and services. 富裕国家则要求发展中国家减少针对工业产品和服务的关税。
NAMA or Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiation deals with a wide-range of manufactured and industrial goods. 非农产品的市场准入谈判涉及制造业和其他工业领域的多种产品。
Swiss-made precision instruments, industrial goods and agricultural products will soon enjoy very low tariff rate when exporting to China, and the same preferential treatment will be provided for Chinese products entering Switzerland. That is because China and Switzerland have reached a deal on the FTA agreement. 在不久的将来,瑞士生产的精密仪器、工业制成品和农产品出口中国将享受十分优惠的关税待遇,中国产品出口瑞士也将享受同等待遇,原因是中瑞已经谈成了自贸协定。
It could further reduce applied import tariffs, especially on industrial goods. 中国可以进一步降低已经实施的进口税,尤其是对工业产品所征收的进口税。
This would be accompanied by cuts in industrial goods and services protection. 同时,(欧盟)还会减少对工业产品和服务业的保护。
The so-called China price a vastly lower price because of low labour costs and the low cost of capital for large government-owned companies now applies to industrial goods, not just consumer goods, says gavekal. 龙洲经讯认为,所谓的中国价格由低劳动力成本和大型国有企业的低资本成本导致的显著较低价格现在也适用于工业产品,而不仅是消费产品。
Besides the raw materials needed to produce industrial goods, an industrial society must have reliable sources of power, effective means of transportation, and skillful people to operate factories. 除了生产工业产品所需的原料外,一个工业社会还必须有可靠的电力来源,具备有效的运输工具,并拥有熟练的人员来动作工厂。
Job cut announcements last month were heaviest in the telecoms, education and industrial goods sectors. 上月宣布的裁员人数在电信、教育和工业产品等行业尤为集中。
European countries came to China to buy its tea, silks and spices and offered European industrial goods in exchange. 欧洲商人来到中国购买茶叶、丝绸和香料,并带来欧洲工业产品以图交换。
The W.T.O. had hoped for a free trade agreement by the end of last year on trade in farm and industrial goods and services. 世界贸易组织本希望在去年底就工农业产品和服务方面达成一个自由贸易协定。
The pattern of visible and invisible trade became three-cornered, with developed countries importing oil and exporting industrial goods to the oil producers to pay for it; the oil producers put their surpluses into the west's banks; 有形和无形的贸易形成了一种三角的格局:发达国家进口石油,并向石油生产国输出工业产品以为支付,石油生产国将多余的资金存入西方银行;
Analysis of the Comparative Advantage and Types of International Specialization of the Industrial Goods Exported to Korea From China 中韩贸易中工业制品的比较优势及国际分工类型分析
They have further tightened their standards for industrial goods in recent years, so we have to step up our local production, he said. 他们近年来进一步提高了对工业产品的标准,所以我们不得不扩大我们的本地生产。
This would include a timetable for agreeing a blueprint for the round next year that negotiators will use to draw up schedules for market opening in agriculture, industrial goods and services. 这其中将包括一份时间表,各方将据此为明年的多哈回合谈判商定一个计划蓝图,让谈判各方拟就农业、工业品与服务市场开放的时间表。
Although consumer prices are rising only modestly, there are signs of faster increases in the prices of industrial goods and assets. 虽然消费品价格只是有限地上涨,但工业产品和资产价格已经出现了更快增长的苗头。
Proposals to eliminate tariffs entirely on some industrial goods are also a contentious issue. 有关完全取消部分工业产品关税的计划也是一项有争议性的议题。
If there is excess of the food stuff, it can be sold or exported to buy industrial goods. 如果食物供给过剩的话,就可以将其卖掉以购进工业产品。
In an open economy, the terms of trade between industrial goods and food can be stabilized by international prices. 在开放性经济中,工业品和粮食的贸易条件可以由国际价格来稳定。
At the moment, he says, big emerging economies such as India, Mexico and Brazil could more than triple their tariffs on farm products and industrial goods at any time without breaking WTO rules. 他表示,目前,印度、墨西哥和巴西等新兴大国可能会在不违背世贸组织规定的情况下,将农产品和工业产品关税提高三倍多。
Your name and address have been recommended to us by the Commercial Counsellor's Office of our Embassy in your country as well-established importers of light industrial goods in your country. 从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉你公司名称和地址,并了解你们是贵国信誉良好的轻工业品进口商。
In terms of demand structure, moulds have been widely applied in many industries such as auto, home appliance, instrument, petrochemical, and light industrial goods. 从需求结构来看,模具广泛应用于汽车、家电、仪器仪表、石油化工、轻工用品等多个行业。
If the government controls spending power, it will favour infrastructure, industrial projects and industrial goods, boosting heavy industries and energy and natural resource consumption. 如果政府控制着消费力,它会侧重于基础设施、工业项目和工业产品,这会推动重工业、能源及自然资源的消费。
I believe we can get a breakthrough on the big numbers in agriculture and industrial goods in the next month or so, he said. 他表示:我相信,我们大约下个月就能在工农业产品等主要问题上取得突破。
Korea has no choice but to imitate his master Japan in industry and life style, manufacturing industrial goods and exporting them for huge profit. 高丽人在生存和产业模式上不得不抄袭他的主人日本,靠贸易输出工业品致富。
We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. 我们有幸自荐,我们是一家专营轻工产品的国有公司。
Our company is engaged in export trade mainly, rely mainly on textile light industrial goods, an example towel, woollen blanket, dress, the tableware, case and bag. 我公司主要从事出口贸易,以纺织轻工产品为主,例毛巾,毛毯,服饰,餐具,箱包。
Although consumption continues to grow more slowly than investment and exports, China has also become the most promising new market in decades for a host of multinationals – from car makers to fast-food companies and industrial goods suppliers. 尽管数十年来,中国消费增速一直低于投资和出口,但中国已成为很多跨国公司最有希望的新兴市场。这些公司包括了从汽车制造商到快餐企业和工业产品供应商的各类企业。
The largest market of industrial goods is in rich countries which have related lower importing tariffs. 工业品的最大市场在富裕国家,其进口关税已经较低。
The price of oil have influence the price of industrial goods. 石油价已影响了工业品的价格。